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Recently, December 2015 floods have left Tamil Nadu in want. It is a great responsibility of every citizen of Tamil Nadu to help rebuild the homes, by contributing to physical needs and providing psychological support.   Mrs. Vimala Britto has a vision to create a community that will contribute to its transformation by its positive influence, which was evident during the Chennai Floods. She led her staff and students to reach out to the homeless by providing food, clothing and shelter during their dire need. Seek Foundation donated a sum of Rs.38,000 for Dr. Sivakadatcham on November 25th. Our foundation helped in distributing food packets and releif materials in flood hit areas in Vyasarpadi on 28th November,2015.

Venture 2016-2017

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Novelty marked this year’s Children’s Day celebrations (Venture 2K16) at St. Britto’s Academy. The campus was buzzing with excitement and joy as the beautifully dressed-up children participated in three innovative activities organized for them. As a tribute to our great leader Chacha Nehru and his love for the children, “Children’s Day” was celebrated in our school.

Focussed on the robust theme of this year’s Children’s Day celebrations ‘Stronger Communities; Safer Children’, Rtn. Umapathy and Mrs. Akther created and launched the film – The Gift through project MASOOM. The film, centred around bringing social awareness on Child sexual abuse, had a grand inaugural on 14th November 2016 in S.M.R Hall of SBA. Honorable District Governor Rtn. Natarajan Nagoji presided over the function. The Co-ordinator of the short film for schools, Ms. Soumiya, said that students needed to be alert on Good touch and Bad touch. Rtn. Dr. N. Nanda Kumar, District Director, Community Service Development and Shri. Arun Rathod, Chairman YII felicitated the teachers – Mrs. Uma Sundaresan, the Cultural Co-Ordinator of the school, Ms. Sangeetha and young artists from STBTA (St. Britto’s Theatre Academy) for their active participation in the film. The audience reciprocated the film with a thunderous applause.


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SEEK was part of the world’s National largest flag formed. The event saw 1.5 lakh participants forming the tricolor in association with Rotary club of India at YMCA grounds. Guinness official SyedaSubasi presented the certificate validating the effort. This event supports to provide Better sanitation, Education and Clean water. The message ‘Keep India Polio free’ was formed

Medical Camp

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MEDICAL CAMP-11.09.2016

CHANGUA CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL, TAIWAN conducted a Medical Awareness Camp at Ammaiappanallur, Near Uthiramerur in Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu on 11th September 2016 in association with Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute if Medical Sciences & Research and SEEK Foundation.

Under the guidance and leadershipof  Dr. Nina , KAO HSIAO –LING, the team of doctors from Changua Christian Hospital, Taiwan and Adhiparasakthi Medical College, educated the residents of Ammaiappanallur and the neighboring villages about personal hygiene and cleanliness and importance of maintaining good health.

The People were screened in basic medical examinations like BP, Sugar, ECG, Scan and x -ray and were referred for further free treatment. Many residents benefitted by this Free Medical Camp which also had specialists inHeart, Eye, Dental, Orthopedic, Pediatric, General Health and Gynecology.

SEEK FOUNDATION, a non-governmental  organization, which was founded by Mrs. Vimala Britto, Correspondent and Secretary of St. Britto’s Group of Institutions on 15.02.2015 is implementing a lot of purposeful activities  with a motive of rendering selfless service to the society.SEEK, NGO has targeted at the  welfare of the rural Community and in Continuation with this, has adopted Poonthandalam village of UtharamerurTaluk of Kancheepuram District and has orgainsed health camps, generated employment opportunities and developed the skills of the residents of the village to transform them into independent and responsible citizens . The seek foundation has also created self – employment opportunities  for the women by donating them sewing machine and by appointed a tailoring teacher. A tuition  Centre is also started to teach the needy  students by appointing a well – trained teacher, who helps them with their studies in the evening, catering to their educational needs In addition to this,  a well – equipped computerized library with books related to different subjects is also benefiting the residents of the village. Shortly  five more villages will be offered the services and E- Learning will be introduced in all these villages to make quality education accessible.


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SEEK Foundation adopted the Poonthandalam Village near Uthiramerur and doing the benevelant activities to the Village people such as Medical Camps,Computer Centre, Tution Centre, Library and Nurse Services under the program name Virutcham of SEEK Foundation. Today the Virutcham’s sevice centre building was inaugurated by our Founder Chairman Mr. Xavier Britto and Secretary & Correspondent Mrs. Vimala Britto through video conferencing.


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SEEK FOUNDATION, in association with  ST.BRITTO’S ACADEMY’S Scouts and Guides, initiated a mass Cleanliness and Road Safety programme on 22nd October, 2016 at Adambakkam Bus Depot, Chennai, in order to reflect on honourable Prime Minister’s ‘SWACHH BHARAT’ (Clean India) project. Mrs. Vairam, Health Inspector, Corporation of Chennai(Velachery), inaugurated the programme by showing the Green Flag at 11:30 a.m. in the school premises in the presence of Principal, Mrs.Mary Vasantha Kumari, indicating the start of the rally.  The social occasion in the Bus Depot included street play, which insisted on “ROAD SAFETY AND CLEAN INDIA”. Mr. SambanthaMoorthy (Rtd. Deputy Collector) appreciated the children and the efforts taken by the teachers of Scouts and Guides.  The rally spread awareness among the public and the MTC staff.  This campaign was launched to call people for the active participation and also to complete the mission of bringing about cleanliness in the country.

On the same day, Volunteers of Seek cleaned the village school campus with a motive of making ready a volley ball court for sports development activities for the children of the village.


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As one of our main objectives is to provide essential articles and support to the needy people, our Seek Foundation crew visited the orphanage at St. Thomas Mount. This visit includes student visits from St. Britto Group of Schools to make the students develop empathy and kindness towards children who live in this world with no support.  Our students expressed satisfaction and joy after visiting the orphanage children and they also provided confidence to them by speaking to them positively about the future.


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SEEK Donated Rs. 25,000 to the St. Loius College for the deaf

SEEK extends its support to the special school students of Don Guanellian Rehabilitation Centre for Physically and mentally challenged, Karayanchavadi, Poonamalli by providing them School uniforms, school bags and study material every year.


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SEEK also was the co-sponsor of Envirothon. A sum of Rs. 40,000 was contributed towards Envirothon, a Marathon event organized to create awareness on the need to save the earth from disaster. Seek Foundation is committed to the cause of environmental awareness.


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Seek Foundation has offered an award of Rs.10,000 in August 2015 to Miss. Lokeshwari, a young achiever in skating. She has won in several competitions. The award money will help her in getting special coaching and scale greater heights. Scholarship Amount of Rs. 10,000 per month is given to  Mr. Mugundh to complete his engineering degree to provide financial support to complete his education after the sudden demise of his father.