- There are 48 families in the village. Everyone is involved in farming and 100 days job.
- They are using well water for drinking.
- Women welfare group providing loan to build houses.
- Only a few children are getting college education and remaining can’t pursue because of poverty.
Children going for college = 8
Children not going for college = 4
- No Hospital facility is available. They have to travel 5 K.M. to go for treatment.
- There are 5 physically challenged people.
- Only one person educated in each family.
- One of the women taking evening classes for students.
- Children those who are not able to continue their studies expect help.
- Women expect for a handwork which will support their life.
- Evening classes can be conducted.
- For growing Cattles they are more interested and expecting help in the same.
- They want a support for their drinking water.