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Workshop on Women’s Enterprise Start-up

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International Cooperation and Development Fund, Taiwan conducted the workshop on women enterprise start- up, exclusive for ASEAN and South Asian Countries from May 4th – May 17th and 12 participants took part in it representing India, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Thailand with a goal of making women start up enterprises for self, societal, and country’s economic elevation.

We were warmly welcomed by the Director, International Education and Training Department Mr. Stephen J H Lee, Taiwan ICDF and were introduced to the New Southbound Policy by

Mr. Daching Yang, Senior Executive Officer, Office of Trade Negotiations and Ms. Kristen HSIEH, Program Officer  of International Education and  Training Department, Taiwan ICDForiented us on New South Bound Policy and the course of the training organized for the next two weeks respectively.

Lectures and orientations were conducted with question and answer sessions which really helped us to understand the practical functioning of the Government and the NGO’s for the cause of Women’s Development in all the above mentioned countries including Taiwan.

Ms. Shu-Hui SHIH, Director,   Workforce   Development   Innovation   Center, Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor spoke on Women-owned Enterprises Development, Guidance andCounseling   Resources   –   Phoenix   Micro   Start-upPrograms. Essentials are

  1. National Development Fund for start – ups in Taiwan
  2. Consultancy – Training, Incubation and follow up for start-up
  3. Training provided is free of cost and also fund given free for certain types of start-ups that have cultural value.
  4. The innovations in existing products, be it a fan or a purse was a WOW factor to us.

 An Introduction to Taiwan was done by Prof. Chen-shen J. YEN, Ph.D, Research Fellow, America-Europe Division, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University and he stressed the need to develop the country’s human resources independent of China, though the present political and social scenario seems to deter the progress of the younger generation. His passion to make his students achieve in life globally was deeply felt.

Introduction to Flying Geese Program was delivered by Ms. Hannah CHOU, consultant, Sun Yat-Sen Management EducationFoundation and it allowed us to understand the need for women consultant professionals to mentor and monitor the progress of women start-ups. She was also the moderator for participants report and it helped each one of the participant to deeply understand their country’s stand compared to the global ranking.

 Orientation on Start-up  Capacity  Building  and  the  Development  ofWomen Potential was delivered by Ms. Yueh-Chin CHIANG,Secretary-general , Taipei Awakening Association and concepts of clothing for life- be it the first or the last cloth is the concept of happiness clothing that is a wing of TAA, was rightly dealt with. It was interesting to see that many Taiwanese have the skill in clothing, food andhandicrafts similar to India.

 A seminar on Women’s Enterprises Innovation and Incubation Systemin Taiwan was conducted byMs. Chungui YANG, Program Manager, Innovation and Incubator Center, National Taitung University,which is a county in the south-eastern Taiwan and falls under the hilly areas. The people belonging to the county are mentored to produce mainly the agri, poultry products that are eco-friendly and organic and are innovations in Technology developed by the university students are incorporated in the practices.These innovations are incubated and made to achieve better products. But due to the physical and geographical constraints marketing the consumable products becomes a challenge.

 Start-up Financing and Guidance and Credit GuaranteeMechanisms in Taiwan were dealt by Mr. Yun-sen JIANG,Head of Client Services Dept.,Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fundof Taiwan, Ministry of Economic Affairs. He explained the various steps and policies that are available for the Nationals to start up business in Taiwan to contribute to the Economic Development of the country. EXIM Bank for International finance and Insurance was also focused on for International visitors who get Entrepreneurship visa to Taiwan. The Government of Taiwan has approved 2.6 billion dollars as CG for the past 3 consecutive years.

Seminar on Ventures in Women Enterprises was delivered by Peter LIN, Managing Director, Catalyst Capital Group. He explained about the steps taken by the Taiwan Government in funding Entrepreneurs through loans, connecting Angel Investors and Entrepreneurs and Crowd funding platforms. Government regulates it all, where as in India, we have a lot of private platforms providing the necessary Venture Capital through Angel Investors and Crowd Funding.  Entrepreneurs with a vision should approach the Investors with a proper business proposal and make their dreams into reality.



Participants from six different countries viz., Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and India presented the present position of the women start-ups in their countries, the challenges associated with it, and the role and support of the Government and it was a huge awakening for me to realize that out of 54countries assessed worldwide for women start up eco-system, Vietnam stands in 7th position globally and India in 49th position



Visits were also arranged by ICDF to understand the practical application of the Women start-up ecosystem in Taiwan. We visited the following places

Kaohsiung City Government: Kaohsiung county is in the southern Taiwan and we reached there by speed train that took us exactly 1hr and 30 mins, which normally takes 6 hrs by road. We were warmly welcomed by the director general Yao, Yu-Chingand the meeting was headed and convened by Ms. Yeh, Yu RuDeputy director general of the social affairs bureau of the KCG and we had practical insights about the work of the Government and NGO’s since an introductory session as well as interactive sessions were arranged. Participants included representatives from SHE ECONOMICS-Kaohsiung Female Economic Empowerment project comprising of Social Affairs, KC women, children and Youth center, Tien- Ching’s Association- health in a stick team, KCWomen’s Vision association, KCWomen’s Right’s Commission, KC story mama association, KC Charity association, KC Entrepreneurship Association and other representatives. It was a great privilege to speak our country India and the state of Tamil Nadu in the session. The officials were interested in the Industry-Institute linkages and creation of Industrial hubs for economic empowerment in Villages through our NGO, SEEK Foundation.

Green-in-hand: A brand of organic products that procures agricultural and allied products like rice, honey, tea grown organically and sells it under after branding and attractive packaging. The farmers get three times more price than what the government procures for because of methodology adopted and hence both have win-win situation, farmers and also the farm is pollutant free. The products are five times more costlier, since ware housing, designing, packaging, branding, advertising cost is included and also job is created since many people from the miller, warehousing, designers, packers, people at display stores work to make this product attractive enough to convince people to buy it though it is costly. A kg of rice costs 350 NTD equivalent to approximately Rs.850/-

Anewei Shop: This shop is a story of a woman survivor who created her own brand in clothing through the natural dyes-mainly the indigo blue dye and creates patterns and designs using batik and tie and dye practices by learning through books after facing a lot of personal difficulties. She now outsources designs, printers and her products are on display and sale in airports and other malls.

XIE XIE TEA: This is a brand created by a lady who specializes in Natural process in producing the different types of tea – ginger, chamomile, rose , charcoal roasted, oolong tea and the packets are in a box which is designed like a book and they also specialize in cold tea. Her customers are international and they mainly procure it to gift it to their loved ones.


This is a manufacturing company specializing in plant based health care products.

The branding, licensing, decorative packaging are done and marketing worldwide thorough online. These are high end products mainly for women-products such as face masks, cream-anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, babies –lotion, oil, cream and so on.


 TC yachts is a 100 year young ship building company which has built more than 2500 fisherman, catamaran, ferry, cruise, travel boats and ships for local and global customers and also provide for tourist operations in Taiwan waters for pleasure and recreation. Right from designing to manufacturing, they operate on the core values of honesty and safety.

 Cultural Trip:

Taipei 101

We visited the Taipei 101. As the name suggests it has 101 floors and an observatory is built in the 87th floor. People visit this iconic place to view the world from the top. The lift to the 87th floor takes exactly 35 seconds. Shops selling natural stone and coral jewelry like diamond, jade, emerald, blue and yellow sapphire, red & green coral are located there.

National Palace Museum

It was an enriching experience to visit the museum. The foundation of Taiwan dates back to the 1947when all the collections were brought back from China after the surrender of Taiwan to China by Japan.It has a permanent collection of nearly 700,000 ancient Chinese imperial artifacts and artworks, which are of high quality and of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

 It was wonderful to experience how Taiwanese associate all products to their history and heritage and encourage their younger generation to adopt best policies in life to create a sustainable eco-system.

Taiwanese Government is also very particular to increase the population either by child birth ratio or also by accommodating people belonging to other Nationalities. They also have a great love and a sense of gratitude for their own country and it is apparent by the attitude that everyone exhibits-wanting to give back to their community and their country.

 My sincere thanks to  ICDF, Director- International Education and Training Department Stephen J H lee, ProgramCoordinator Ms. Kristen Hsieh, Program Officer MrXiao Shen, Student Volunteers Miranda and Lorenzo, and my heartfelt gratitude to Mr, Charles Lee, Director General, TECC and Mr. Steven Chung – Director in Chennai.

 My heart felt gratitude to our Correspondent & Secretary, Mrs. Vimala Britto, for nominating me, believing in me and constantly being a pillar of support for this programme on sustainable community development and to be awarded the best Participant from among 12 by a panel of Judges consisting of Mr. Stephen, Director of IETD, Ms. Tania – MOFA, Ms. YouneYand, Programme Officer, Education and Training, and Dr. Jhang–Client Services Department, SMECGF,MOEA Together we will make our society economically viable.

Career Guidance Program – 2k17

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Seek Foundation – An NGO in association with Kerry Indev Logistics & Lions Club is conducting a Career Guidance Program at Tirunelveli,Tuticorin and Nagarkoil on 15th & 16th May 2017

OTOP (One Town One Product) WORKSHOP – Taiwan

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The goal of the program (OTOP – Work Shop) is to effectively integrate local cultural industries and to link up with different industries through comprehensive assistance measures for leveraging synergies and stimulating local economy prosperity.

They believe in fundamental local industry, economical local industry, cultural local industry, experimental local industry. Building a brand value via improvement on business models and make the brand stories known.


Taiwan has become the creative and design hub with knowledge based and logistics capability.

In Taiwan any New Product have,

  • Cluster approach
  • Add new value on own products.
  • Create the job opportunities.
  • Enhance the own business via itinerary link
  • Build up the own brand – upgrade the own enterprises by adopting technology
  • Strengthen the image of own products.
  • Turn concepts into reality.


Behind every seemingly simple and logical product is a lot of work of creation, development, production, promotion, and sale;

From Taiwan to India       à        Design & Branding.

Technical Expertise.

Taiwan Visit

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Our Secretary and Correspondent Mrs.VimalaBritto, Dr.ThamasPonraj, the Principal of St. Britto’s College and Mr.Dineshraj, the Managing Director of Premier were invited by Taiwan Government as their country delegates to enhance International NGO, educational exchange cooperation, and to promote Futsal in Taiwan.

They met the Vice President Mr. Chen Chien-jen along with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr.Francois Chih-Chung Wu, the Director-General, Department of NGO international Affairs Amb. Diego L. Chou and the Consul General of Chennai Mr. Charles Li at his office on 19th Jan 2017 and discussed our earlier cooperation with Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre, Chennai and coordination that we had with Changhua Christian hospital and Day-eh University, Taiwan. We could also brief him about the initiation taken to start a Mandarin Chinese class in our school on 1st February 2017 which is first time in India and the initiation taken to provide an internship training programme for 3 months for eligible Taiwan students in various discipline.

They visited Bihu Elementary School, Taiwan. They briefed about some of our successful curriculum that produce productive learning outcome and recommended to all schools in Taiwan with the support of Ministry of Education of Taiwan Government in order to enhance their curriculum and the students’ lives in schools.

Considering the strong willingness to strengthen mutual understanding and the friendship between the Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH), Republic of China (Taiwan) and Seek Foundation (SF), Chennai, Tamilnadu, India to enhance co-operation in health services to the people in international community for reaching sustainable development ,Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was arrived between two institutions.

The Da-Yeh University, Taiwan and St. Britto’s College, Chennai, India have arrived a Memorandum of Agreement in the recognition of the mutual benefits according to the academic communities. The purpose of this Agreement is to promote friendly relations through the development of academic collaboration between Da-Yeh University, Taiwan and St. Britto’s College, Chennai, India. Therefore the University, as approved by the Syndicate of the University has decided to recognize St. Britto’s College as an Approved Institution for conducting specific Certificate / Diploma / Advanced Diploma / PG Diploma / UG/ PG courses as described in the Schedule. Mrs.VimalaBritto, the Secretary and Correspondent St. Britto’s Group of Institutions and the President of Da-yeh University Dr. Jerry J R Ou signed the agreement in the presence ofDirector General of Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in Chennai Mr. Charles Li, the Principal of St. Britto’s College Dr.ThamasPonraj and the Managing Director of Premier Futsal Mr. Dinesh Raj.

We called on Chairwoman Rebecca King-Ying Wang,  of Taiwan Allainace in international Development (Taiwan Aid) and the CEO of Noordhoff Craniofacial foundation to discuss future cooperation with Taiwan Aid on 19th January 2017.Dr.ChienShiuhShen, the Professor of National Taiwan University was present there. The mission, vision and the activities of Taiwan Aid were also briefed with a presentation. We explained the service of Seek Foundation in India. We also shared our successful stories of our services.

Our team visited the Central Radio Station on the morning of January 20, 2017. Mr. Huang Jiashan Deputy Director gave us a warm welcome, took us a visit around Radio Station and explained their broadcasting range and their international viewership. My interview was recorded and shoot also was taken for broadcasting.

Visit to Village – Poonthandalam

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Outreach team visited Poonthandalam village to facilitate production of Phenol. Due to the Community meeting, people were not in a position to join the program so the process of preparing Phenol was postponed to next week.

The team informed the people of Pennalur and Vedapalayam about the tailoring class which is going on in Poonthandalam village. Young girls and women, mentioned below were interested in the tailoring.

  1. Thelsa
  2. Ezhilarasi
  3. Ms .Bernath
  4. Kavi
  5. Selvi
  6. Vani


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“Respecting women is not a choice” -Womanathon, a run to celebrate women was conducted the first time in India on International Women’s Day to pledge support to respect women and to help create a safe society. Today, the people who can do most to improve the situation of so many women and girls are in fact men. It is in their hands to stop violence towards women. RUN cause you RESPECT.

People participated in huge numbers and many ran along with their families. It was a proud moment when Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Mumbai all ran on the same day towards better life for women.


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Annai Fathima Centre

On behalf of Seek Foundation we visited Annai Fathima Centre Orphanage on Dec 23rd 2016. We reached the orphanage at 10.00 am with group of 6 students of Scouts and Guides.

The motto of the orphanage is to educate the children.  Many poor orphan children are educated in the Annai Fathima Center Orphanage.

We started the day with prayer.  Then we had a personal interaction with the children to know about the history of the children and present status.  After that the children prayed for our institution.  We explained the good deeds which are conducted by Seek Foundation. Finally, we distributed the gifts to the children and reached our school by 12.00 pm.


On 23-12-2016 a group of 6 students and 2 teachers of BHARATH SCOUTS AND GUIDES started from ST.BRITTO’S ACADEMY, Velachery at 8:30 am and reached SEED ORPHANAGE, which is situated at Sriperumbudur around 11:30 am.

 There we met children belonging to different age group. The aim of the orphanage is to educate children of prisoners, terminally-ill patients, murder victims, and prostitutes. SEED provides boarding, lodging, clothing and education of 271 children in age range of 3 to 18 years. The orphanage provides both standard education and vocational training.

We started the day with prayer.  The children of the orphanage prayed for us and for our institution and sang few beautiful songs.  After the prayer we all introduced ourselves to them and we personally interacted with them individually.  After the interaction session, we started entertaining them by playing few games with them, singing songs with them, and played music for them to dance and ultimately we made them happy forgetting all the problems they faced in their life.  They all enjoyed the day with us.

At 12:30 pm, our children served lunch and we all had lunch with them. Around 1:30 pm, we started from SEED Orphanage and reached our school by 3:00 pm. We all really had a different experience after that visit with peace completely filled in our minds.


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Recently, December 2015 floods have left Tamil Nadu in want. It is a great responsibility of every citizen of Tamil Nadu to help rebuild the homes, by contributing to physical needs and providing psychological support.   Mrs. Vimala Britto has a vision to create a community that will contribute to its transformation by its positive influence, which was evident during the Chennai Floods. She led her staff and students to reach out to the homeless by providing food, clothing and shelter during their dire need. Seek Foundation donated a sum of Rs.38,000 for Dr. Sivakadatcham on November 25th. Our foundation helped in distributing food packets and releif materials in flood hit areas in Vyasarpadi on 28th November,2015.

Venture 2016-2017

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Novelty marked this year’s Children’s Day celebrations (Venture 2K16) at St. Britto’s Academy. The campus was buzzing with excitement and joy as the beautifully dressed-up children participated in three innovative activities organized for them. As a tribute to our great leader Chacha Nehru and his love for the children, “Children’s Day” was celebrated in our school.

Focussed on the robust theme of this year’s Children’s Day celebrations ‘Stronger Communities; Safer Children’, Rtn. Umapathy and Mrs. Akther created and launched the film – The Gift through project MASOOM. The film, centred around bringing social awareness on Child sexual abuse, had a grand inaugural on 14th November 2016 in S.M.R Hall of SBA. Honorable District Governor Rtn. Natarajan Nagoji presided over the function. The Co-ordinator of the short film for schools, Ms. Soumiya, said that students needed to be alert on Good touch and Bad touch. Rtn. Dr. N. Nanda Kumar, District Director, Community Service Development and Shri. Arun Rathod, Chairman YII felicitated the teachers – Mrs. Uma Sundaresan, the Cultural Co-Ordinator of the school, Ms. Sangeetha and young artists from STBTA (St. Britto’s Theatre Academy) for their active participation in the film. The audience reciprocated the film with a thunderous applause.


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SEEK was part of the world’s National largest flag formed. The event saw 1.5 lakh participants forming the tricolor in association with Rotary club of India at YMCA grounds. Guinness official SyedaSubasi presented the certificate validating the effort. This event supports to provide Better sanitation, Education and Clean water. The message ‘Keep India Polio free’ was formed