Seek Foundation, in its ongoing commitment to serving the community, organized a special visit to PREMA VASAM, a home for mentally, physically challenged, and less fortunate children located in Gerugambakkam.
PREMA VASAM stands as a beacon of hope, providing dedicated care to a large number of special children, regardless of their caste, creed, religion, or financial background. The home aims to unlock the potentials of these children and enable them to serve others, offering essential services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and play therapy.
During the visit, students from ST. BRITTO’S MATRICULATION, Adambakkam, accompanied by their teachers, had the opportunity to engage with the children at PREMA VASAM. They distributed clothes, stationery items, and spent quality time interacting with them.
This meaningful experience left a lasting impact on the students, who gained invaluable insights into gratitude, empathy, and the importance of appreciating their own blessings, including having supportive parents and access to quality education facilities.
As the day came to a close, heartfelt hugs, goodbyes, and kisses were exchanged, leaving both the visitors and the children of PREMA VASAM with cherished memories and a renewed sense of compassion.
Seek Foundation remains dedicated to fostering such impactful initiatives that make a difference in the lives of those in need, embodying the spirit of compassion and service to humanity.